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VISIONTEK Xtasy RADEON 9550 128MB - Secondary

VISIONTEK Xtasy RADEON 9550 128MB - Secondary

VISIONTEK Xtasy RADEON 9550 128MB - Secondary Publisher's Description

The VisionTek XTASY 9550-Secondary powered by ATI's RADEON 9550 Visual Processing Unit provides genuine Microsoft DirectX 9.0 power to the mainstream and at the same time allows 3D gamers to experience the beauty of next generation graphics.With balanced precision,the RADEON 9550 will produce realistic and dynamic lighting,soft shadow effects,DX9 shaders, and bump mapping all at new levels of image quality and performance.Fully compliant with pixel shader 2.0 standards and optimized for industry standard programming in HLSL and GLSL code.

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